Primary Wing Primary

Heritage School Jammu Radiates Spiritual Harmony in Gurupurab Special Assembly(Session 2023-24)

In the sacred embrace of Gurupurab , the Primary Wing of Heritage School Jammu resonated with the divine echoes of
' _Satnam Satnam Satnam Ji,_ Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Ji.' The Assembly unfolded with reverence, as thoughts intertwined with the essence of Guru Nanak's wisdom. The teachers' poignant speech illuminated the significance of the occasion. The pure hearts of Class 1 children echoed the Mool Mantra, and a little girl led the assembly in the soulful recitation of the path. The air reverberated with the harmonious melody of ' _Nanak Aaya, Nanak Aaya, Kartaran Guru Nanak Aaya,'_ a collective offering by the entire Primary Wing.

Happy Gurupurab to all!!! ☬ 👳